100% Free Percentage Calculator Tool.

Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

100% Free Percentage Calculator Tool.

why do we use the term percentage?

The term “percentage” is derived from the Latin words “per centum,” which literally means “by the hundred.” A percentage is a way of expressing a proportion or a ratio in relation to 100. It is commonly used to represent a fraction of a whole in terms of parts per hundred.

Percentages are useful for comparing relative quantities, making it easier to understand and communicate proportions. They are widely used in various fields such as finance, statistics, mathematics, and everyday situations to describe changes, ratios, discounts, probabilities, and more.

In mathematical terms, a percentage is calculated by taking a part of a whole and expressing it as a fraction of 100. The formula for calculating a percentage is:


For example, if you have 30 apples out of a total of 100, the percentage of apples can be calculated as:

Percentage of apples=(30/100)×100=30%

Percentages provide a standardized way to express ratios and comparisons, making it easier for people to understand the relative size or significance of a quantity in different contexts.


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